Your Apples into Juice
We can turn your fruit and vegetables into pressed juice with an 18-month shelf life so you can enjoy it all year round. If you are part of a community orchard, gardening group or school your bottles can be a great fundraising opportunity. We also offer custom printed labels you can add to your bottles at an additional cost.
What are the steps for bottling juice?
You pick it
Pick your apples when they are at peak ripeness the day or two before you deliver.
We crush it
We squash your apples using our industrial mill and belt press which will yield approximately 75% of the apple leaving only a dry pulp.
We pump it
Your juice is transferred into its own stainless-steel tank ready for bottling. During this step we add a small amount of vitamin c this will help to prevent oxidisation of your juice. Your juice is fitted with an airtight lid and moved to our bottling plant.
We bottle it
Your juice is flash pasteurised to 82°c and bottled using our automated bottling line. Each bottle is sealed with a tamper proof metal cap and a unique batch code with the best before date.
You collect it
We will let you know when your juice is ready for collection this can be as soon as the following day, enjoy for up to 18 months.
Pay via your email invoice before collection*

How many apples are on my tree?
We get this question a lot, but it is hard to determine how many apples you may have from a photo or by knowing the variety. The number of apples is not always correlated to the size or variety of the tree.
What size are the bottles?
Our standard size juice bottle is 750 ml or if you would like single serve bottles we can use 250ml these are perfect for restaurants, cafes and pubs. Standard cider bottles are 500ml bottles, we can also bottle your cider and add custom labels at an extra cost.
How long will my bottles last?
Your bottles will have an 18-month shelf life so you will be able to enjoy them throughout the year. We do recommend storing them away from direct sunlight as the colour of your juice can be affected by long term UV exposure.
What apples can be juiced?
We can squash any apple but if you wouldn't eat it, we wouldn’t recommend pressing it for juice. The taste of your juice will reflect the apples you use, for example, if your apples are sharp/dry the juice will be the same, we do not artificially sweeten juices.
How about Pears?
Pears making an excellent juice when combined with apples and is a popular choice. Pears quality will tend to decline when left for long periods, so we recommend picking them as close to your appointment as possible. Pear and apple blends are likely to have more sediment which may sit at the bottom of your bottle so will need shaking before consumption.
Can you press into a fermentation container?
We can press into your own containers, please bring them to us sterilised. This is listed under pressing by the litre on our services page. We also sell fermenters with air locks if you would like to purchase one from us, please add it when you book.
What about windfalls?
We can't guarantee that apples on the floor have not been contaminated by wildlife or rot. If they have been on the ground for a long period of time, we wouldn’t recommend them for apple juice. The best tasting juice will use a fresh apple. If you wouldn’t want to eat it, we wouldn’t want to juice it.
How do I know my apples are ready to pick?
Check the handy guide on our picking my fruit page this should help you determine if your apples are ready.
How much Juice will I get from my apples?
We approximate that 120 kg of apples will produce 100, 750ml bottles of juice. To make sure you get the best yield pick your apples as close as you can to your appointment. Use our Handy Guide to check your apples are ripe.
Can you make cider for me?
Sorry we currently dont offer this service
What about my cooking apples?
If you would like to blend cookers with a sweet variety, we recommend you balance 20% cookers to 80% eater/dessert.
This should'nt affect the acidity.
I don't have many apples?
We can still process your apples, but we may blend them with similar varieties to create a mixed juice. We will estimate your apples on drop off to ensure you get the right number of bottles back. You may also consider hiring equipment from us to have a go yourself!
How much does it cost?
​ Price for a 750ml bottle is £2.50 including VAT, 250ml serving size is £1.30 including VAT. You pay after your apples have been processed, we can give you a rough estimate of how many bottles will be produced. If you are pressing into your own containers price is £1.20 per litre including VAT you can purchase fermenters from us at an additional cost when you book in. ​
My apples have marks?
​We will only reject apples that are rotten or those with significant bruising. It's normal to have scar like marks or colour variation on an apple, the supermarket apples are picked based on appearance but it's what’s on the inside that matters.